
20040314 Peter Prothero The Importance of Kissing

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%?z???'The Importance of Kissing in the Bible?'?????The Greeting Kiss?J???Rom 16.16; 1Cor 16.20; 2Cor13.12;1Thess 5.26;1Pet 5.14

Sanctifying the ordinary
Acknowledging family members
Challenging accepted barriers of class, race, age, education and status
Missing from Simon the Pharisee - Lk7
 ???The Farewell Kiss?J??.Acts 20.37 Paul and Ephesian Elders
Gen 50.1 Joseph at his father s death

Expressing the value of the relationship
Love and respect are given this way??
???The Deceptive Kiss?J ???Prov 27.5-6
Lk 22.48 Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss
2Sam 20.9 Joab kills Amasa with a kiss
Prov 7.13 Used to seduce a young man

Often the cover for another agenda
It lacks sincerity and honesty
It ultimately has the intension of harming
 ???The Forgiving Kiss?J ???Lk 15.20 The Father towards the Prodigal
Gen 33.4 Esau towards Jacob
Gen45.14-15 Joseph towards his brothers

New beginnings

???The Sensual or Erotic Kiss?~??iSong of Solomon 1.2

Between the lover and the loved
Exclusive to that relationship
A measure of Intimacy?N   ? ??The Spiritual Kiss?0 ???Worship in the Greek: Proskuneo  to come toward to kiss
from pros  toward and kuneo  to kiss
Like the sensual kiss worship is expressive of intimacy with God
Ps2.12  Kiss the Son
An act of worship, submission & surrender?? 

??The Poetic Kiss?J???Ps 85.10 Righteousness and Peace kiss
God is able to satisfy two apparently irreconcilable aspects of His own character
The unity comes in the person of Jesus
King of Righteousness and King of Peace?V

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